Day: October 23, 2020

maritime business concept

How the Maritime and Shipping Industry Can Survive Covid-19

How dependent are we on the maritime and shipping industry? More than 90% of global trade passes by our waters. It’s not only important to keep the waters safe, free, and navigable. We also need to consider the impact of the recent pandemic on the industry and the people who work in it. When the

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grocery shopping

Being Fit is Good for Your Body and Your Wallet

There are a lot of people who will tell you that health is wealth. There is truth in that saying because living life and feeling good about it is far more valuable than having it another way. But achieving fitness is not easy. You have to work hard to become the best version of yourself

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A Website Should Be Pretty With Substance

Good design is essential to a business’s website. The website serves as the face of its online presence. When a potential customer visits the website, it should immediately capture their attention because they usually don’t linger. People on the internet are visual, so outstanding design is the key to an online consumer’s heart. It’s not

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