
4 Ways to Market Your Healthy Food Products during the Pandemic

In May 2020, Unilever CEO Alan Jope forecast that the COVID-19 pandemic will make people eat healthier food more since it became apparent that people with weak immune systems are particularly vulnerable to the virus. With food being a daily necessity, it’s no small wonder why the healthy food industry remains steadfast despite the volatile global economy.

Meanwhile, as there is still COVID-19 scare across the USD and many other countries, people have almost exclusively turned online to order food and have them delivered to their homes. This is due to safety considerations since they know that going out of their homes could open them up to potential COVID-19 exposure. However, others are more confident to personally visit their favorite cafe or restaurant where the healthy food is being served just as long as proper COVID-19 protocols are observed.

If you have a healthy food business and you need to find some creative ways to promote your products, here are four ways to do just that:

Conduct cooking classes online.

cooking a meal

During the height of the pandemic, there was a near-frenzy of YouTubers posting videos after videos of them whipping up delicious snacks and meals in their home kitchen. These online tutorials became such a hit to millions of home-quarantined individuals who were either deliberately trying to learn how to cook for their families or just doing something productive while being stuck at home.

Knowing these, you should consider trying out the same thing and doing your online cooking lessons featuring your healthy food menu. For example, you may try using healthy ingredients such as whey permeate powder to prepare mouth-watering confectioneries and ice cream that many treat as their comfort food. If you have other equally delicious and undeniably healthy recipes that you can share online with your target buyers, then don’t hesitate to do so to promote your business.

Get social.

The COVID-19 pandemic saw millions of people spending more time on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Back in July 2020, there was a 10.5 percent rise in social media usage, while the worldwide internet traffic grew to 30 percent the same year. More importantly, data show that over 50 percent of the world’s population is now part of the social media community, thus making connectivity and the flow of information more fluid and far-reaching.

These figures only mean that businesses that want to market their services or products should harness the power of this widely-used tech tool. This was evident throughout the pandemic as brands diverted their campaign funds for traditional marketing channels to social media campaigns that generated tons of traffic and exposure for them.

As such, you should invest a great deal in building a strong social media presence to put the word out about your healthy food business, especially now that people are now more health-conscious than ever.

Hire a professional internet marketing team.

These days, businesses that invest heavily in building a strong online presence are winning it big in the profits arena. This is because people have now become almost solely reliant on online means to get the things that they need regularly, such as hygiene items, medicines, and food.

And so, if you want your food business to capture this market, be sure to hire professionals to run your online promotions. These service providers are trained and skilled at the best methods of making businesses stand out from their competition, so you can be sure to get your money’s worth.

They can run an SEO campaign to put your website on top of Google’s search engine results page (SERP), so potential clients can easily click on the website link and see what you have to offer. They can also design and implement a strong social media promotional campaign to generate buzz about your healthy food business and drive revenues up. In short, there are plenty of ways your internet marketing can help your business in terms of online visibility.

Professionalize your ad materials.

One thing about food product promotions done online is that the ad materials have to be professional-looking to entice potential buyers. As such, you could either invest in some high-end digital SLR cameras and a laptop with some professional-grade editing software or hire a professional photographer to shoot high-resolution photos and do some editing to create your desired materials.

With your promotional materials ready, you can then share them on your social media channels to generate the traffic and user engagement that you need.

These simple online marketing techniques will greatly help promote your healthy food business and let you thrive throughout the pandemic and beyond.

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