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Business Opportunities Entrepreneurs Can Start in Their Community

Even small towns can experience big business success, offering aspiring entrepreneurs a unique opportunity of acquiring a concentrated market and a limited population. Discovering the best community business ideas that’ll stick is all about meeting current demands and providing the best quality products or services.

Before launching a startup, check what’s not currently prominent in your area, whether it’s cafes or supermarkets. After you have a sense of the existing businesses within your town and understand local demands, decide which would be the best route for you and your community.

That said, here are profitable business opportunities that you can start small in your community.

IT- and Computer-Related Services

As people become more accustomed to using technology in their daily lives, it only makes sense that they become prone to technical issues. Plus, every business and individual needs technical support, regardless of their location. After all, in today’s digital age, no matter how big or small their community is, there will always be people using technology and have trouble in its operations or physically damage your gadgets.

Just like how you’d go to a mobile phone repair shop, you can offer the same services in your community. From repairing smartphones, troubleshooting computers to repairing desktops, there are plenty of ways you can offer IT and computer-related services. They also don’t require much equipment, making it one of the most profitable business opportunities.

Home and Yard Cleaning Services

You’d be surprised at how many homeowners don’t like to clean and are often more than happy to pay premium prices to take care of this task—and there’s a good chance that a couple of these people live in your community. If you have a knack for cleaning, why not start a cleaning business? The best part is, though expert cleaning is a valuable skill, it doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money on certifications or courses, making it the perfect option for a low overhead business opportunity.

Meanwhile, if you have a talent for caring for plants, landscaping, and general gardening, you can also offer backyard or lawn cleaning or tending. These tasks usually extend to any town resident, especially when the weather becomes warmer during summer and spring.

Handyman or Contractor Business


Handymen and contractors will always be in demand regardless of a community’s size. If you have a talent for fixing and building things, and you get acquaintances frequently calling you to look at leaky pipes or wobbly boards—you may as well be on your to start a contractor business. It’s a relatively straightforward process if you’re already used to odd jobs and know who will hire you.

However, if people in your community are unfamiliar with your work, collaborate with other general contractors in the area willing to offer smaller projects and pass your name to potential clients.


If you have the talent for cooking or want a rewarding business opportunity as it’s profitable, launching a restaurant business is ideal. Whether it’s diner-style or fine-dining, a successful restaurant is all about offering people what they want—but don’t have. When starting this type of business, consider tailoring it to the needs or desires locals don’t have access to within the community.

For instance, farm-to-table restaurants are popular concepts that would thrive in small communities, but if you don’t live in an agriculturally rich location, consider an alternative. Think about what you look forward to when you leave your town, and go from there.

Grocery Store

If you live in an area that’s capable of sustaining a small grocery store but doesn’t have one, this could mean that most people living in the area commute every day and buy at other stores, or there’s not a big enough population to keep a big-box store running. Take advantage of this and launch a small grocery store within your community, but make sure you specialize your store to avoid overspending on a massive inventory.

It’s wise to use local goods, keep up with local trends, and tastes to help inform your final decision. For instance, in more rural and agricultural places, farmers-market-styled grocery stores offering local produce and seasonal products are usually a big hit with residents and visitors. However, if you live in an area with a big-box chain but have few available for specific categories, like organic food, grab the chance and create a specialty organic food store.

If you’re looking to start a business within your community, trying any of the ideas mentioned can help you secure a steady income flow—giving you a great start in your business venture, ensuring success and growth long-term.

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