professional man and woman

Landing a Career in the Age of Ageism

For people who got laid off from work, their options are either social support or look for another job. However, the job market is fiercely competitive, especially in the telecommuting field. Candidates have to fight tooth and nail to snag that work-from-home job. This is especially true for seasoned IT professionals who are usually passed on for their younger counterparts.

Ageism can be an obstacle for veteran professionals like you. To help you land a career, here are some helpful tips:

Learn New Skills

Outdated skills are one of the common reasons many people are passed on during job interviews. Some businesses, including survey app providers, require their employees to wear different hats to perform a variety of tasks. Going around these challenges is accessible through online courses. Such programs can help you gain an edge over the competition. Staying current is the key to land a promising career.

Experience is the Best Teacher

Hiring managers often scan a resume and expect their candidates to walk their talk. It’s easy to list professional experiences on a resume, but talking about it is another matter. As a seasoned professional, you have experience as your teacher, and it should be easier for you to share career stories. Your accomplishments can speak for you as you narrate the highlights of your colorful careers. How you present yourself will make you a desirable candidate, as well.

Always Remember to Move Forward

It’s still best to set realistic goals when it comes to hunting for a new job. Not all companies are open to hiring older employees and prefer a younger, more dynamic workforce. If this happens, don’t stick your head into the sand. Instead, move forward until you hit the nail on the head. Don’t lose heart, and thank them for their time. You did your best to qualify for the position.

Negotiate Offer but be Flexible

woman at a job interview

You need to understand that experience may be your teacher, but it can’t be an effective bargaining chip. Remember that there are younger candidates who are willing to take the same offer. The demand for a particular skill set also depends on market forces. Learn to be flexible when negotiating salaries and compensation. Put into account the money you can save from the daily commute and eating out. That “meager” salary may be enough since you’ll be working from home.

Create Job Opportunities If None Comes Your Way

Technology has made it easier to open new ventures and job opportunities. Use your experience and network to set up your own business. Pay it forward by hiring a mix of veteran and young professionals. This is also an excellent opportunity for both generations to learn new skills and sage advice from seasoned employees. It’s a win-win solution that can help people who got laid off, too.

Ageism shouldn’t be a concern as many telecommuting companies often hire older professionals. These business owners want them because they have a lot to share with their younger employees. There is life after being laid off, and you just need to have faith.

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