a justice scale and judge's gavel in a lawyer's office representing litigation

Things To Do and Consider When Suing Someone for Damages

  •  Assess the damages to determine if it’s worth pursuing legal action supported by evidence.
  • Use a process service to deliver legal documents to the defendant.
  • Look into different alternative ways to resolve the dispute, like mediation or negotiation.
  • Prepare for deposition carefully, rehearse, stay calm, and answer concisely and truthfully. 
  • Have an experienced attorney with you throughout the legal process.

Lawsuits can be stressful, especially when you’re suing someone for damages. There are a lot of things to consider and prepare for, with the whole process being overwhelming. However, if you’re right in seeking legal action, you should definitely pursue it. Here are the things you should do and the factors you should consider before everything else.

Assess the Damages

It’s vital to assess the extent of the damages before suing someone. Calculate the monetary value of the damages and whether or not it’s worth pursuing legal action.

In addition to that, assess the physical and emotional damage that has been caused to you or your property, as this will give you a better idea of the level of compensation you could potentially receive. Gather as much evidence as you can in the process to support your case.

This includes photographs, videos, and any documentation that supports your claim. If you have witnesses, make sure to record their statements. It’s important to have as much evidence as possible to convince the court of your case.

person taking photo of a car crash between two vehicles

Consider Process Service

You need to be sure that the defendant is officially aware of the lawsuit. The easiest way to do this is by using a reliable process service, which delivers legal documents and serves as proof that the other party has received them.

This will also avoid any chances of your case being dismissed due to failure to serve. For instance, if you’re using someone from another state, the process service should be well-versed with the interstate rules.

A process server should also be experienced in delivering legal papers and can provide court-admissible proof that the defendant was served. This is because the defendant’s signature is required on the documents, so a process server will make sure that you get it.

Research All Different Ways of Resolution

It’s always a good idea to look into the different ways of peacefully resolving your dispute. It’s entirely possible to find methods that are less time-consuming and cheaper than litigation. Here’s a rundown of each option:


Suing someone in court is a lengthy and expensive process. You should only pursue litigation if you’re absolutely sure that the defendant has done something wrong and if you have enough evidence to prove it.

Hiring an attorney is the most crucial step when pursuing this path. A reasonable attorney will help you navigate the legal system, advise you on the strength of your case, and ensure that your rights are protected.


Mediation is a process where a neutral third party helps both parties reach a settlement. It’s a faster, cheaper, and more amicable way of resolving legal disputes than going to court. Consider seeking mediation before going to court, as it could potentially save you time, money, and emotional turmoil.


Arbitration is another way of resolving disputes outside of court. In this method, both parties present evidence to an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators, and the decision made by them is legally binding. This process also tends to be faster and less expensive than litigation.


Negotiation is the process of settling disputes without a third party. In this option, both parties come to an agreement on their own. It’s essential to have an experienced attorney with you throughout the negotiation process, as they can advise you on potential pitfalls and ensure that your rights are protected during negotiations.

male discussing lawsuit with male defendant in the office

Prepare for Deposition

A deposition is a pre-trial oral testimony that you give under oath. It’s crucial to be prepared for your deposition, as anything you say could be used against you in court.

Go through your attorney’s list of questioning and rehearse your answers. For instance, if the defendant’s lawyer is asking you questions, be prepared to answer them truthfully and concisely.

Don’t get emotional during this process or make any statements that could jeopardize your case. If possible, write down notes and answer the questions in writing instead.

Suing someone for damages is a serious legal matter that requires expert knowledge and careful planning. Assessing the damages, hiring an attorney, gathering evidence, preparing for deposition, and seeking mediation are all essential factors to consider when pursuing legal action. Remember, it’s important to stay calm and composed throughout the legal process and let your attorney handle the complexities of the case. With the right mindset and preparation, you can achieve a satisfactory settlement and closure.

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